
Welcome Back, Cardinal Ritter Alumni!
The Cardinal Ritter Alumni Association would like to welcome back all alumni! For over 50 years, Cardinal Ritter has been graduating outstanding groups of men and women to comprise a base of over 4,000 alumni. Our alumni live all over the country and are involved in all sorts of endeavors, but the one thing they all have in common is the Cardinal Ritter experience.
We hope that alumni will use the website and other social media platforms to stay connected with one another, and also stay connected with Cardinal Ritter High School.
Alumni Board
In June of 2014, a newly-formed Alumni Board was established as an extension of the Alumni Office, spreading the word to other alumni about upcoming events and gatherings throughout the year. It was asked for the members to serve at least a two year term. They are an integral part of helping us reach all of our alumni and we would like to thank all of them for their service and commitment to CRHS! If you are interested in participating on the alumni board, contact Steve Rutledge.
President – Steve Rutledge (CR ’76)
Executive Board Member – Pat Terrell (CR ’76)
Alumni Association