This week the Cardinal Ritter Chapter of the National Honor Society inducted 27 new members. Those Raiders inducted are: Andrew Barber, Sarah Bishop, Harley Campbell, Jennifer Cazares-Juan, Sam Duncan, Zita Eke, Greta Fallon, Yordanos Fisshaye, Ayana Griffin, Yeraldin Guadarama, Rian Hyde, River Ingram, Jordan Leiter, Ashley Lerma Camero, Trevor Liston, Celine Manley, Aubry McMichel, Isabel Mendoza , Franke Perez, Juliana Rocca, Peyton Roddy, Mitchel Salamanca-Pizano, Bethlehem Seyoum, Avery Smith, Maria Soto Meza, Marina Villarias and Lale Yessoufou. Congratulations Raiders!

At the ceremony, officers were installed for the 2023-2024 school year. They are: Rossa Fisshaye (Sergeant at Arms), Hannah May (Vice-President), Lucas Valle (Treasurer), William Macleod (President) and Madeline Westrick (Secretary).