Dominic Miranda from Channel 13 came out to the Raider boys soccer practice last night and interviewed coaches Gus and Eli Esterline and team captain Ryan Siener. He is also planning to be at the game tonight to catch the Raiders in action. The story should air next Tuesday.
Tomorrow (Wednesday) is picture day. Students may dress up but they must bring a uniform to change into after pictures. We have sent home forms with your students but if you want to order online, go to and the code is EVTNMN824. Students may also just wear school uniforms.
Don’t Forget, our Back To School Night is this Thursday from 6 to 8pm in the gym. Meet your students’ teachers and support staff who will be assisting them on their journey here at CRHS. You can also purchase uniform and spirit wear items. We look forward to seeing you Thursday night. Please plan to attend.
At today’s All School Liturgy we celebrated the Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary with our Chaplain Coordinator Father Jack Wright.
2024-2025 Cardinal Ritter High School Executive Student Council: President-Alfredo Ochoa, Vice President-Bethlehem Seyoum, Treasurer-Bryan Nolasco and Sergeant at Arms-Celine Manley. Congratulations Raiders!
Welcome Back Raiders!!!
2024 CRHS Fall Red & Black Day
The Indiana Crossroads Conference is proud to announce a realignment for the beginning of the 2025-26 school year.
Last night Cardinal Ritter Boys Varsity Soccer players practiced with STAR Soccer a program for the children in our community with special needs and abilities. The boys had a great time helping out with this wonderful program!
What a great turnout for our Back To School Bash & Block Party. This is a great way to kick off the school year. Reminder next Monday August 12th is the first day of school for 7th, 8th and 9th grades and is an early dismissal. Tuesday all students report with a regular dismissal. A big thank you to all our volunteers who helped make this event a success and our sponsors Kenny Moore II and the Love One Foundation. See you all next week.
We were excited to welcome the Class of 2028 to Cardinal Ritter High School at today's Freshman Orientation.
We can't wait to see you tomorrow at Freshman Orientation. Please arrive between 8:30 and 8:45am. Stop by the gym when you arrive to check in. You will be dismissed at 2pm. Your parents should drop you off and pick you up at door 4 located in the back of the school.
I am looking forward to meeting our new freshmen tomorrow at Freshmen Orientation!
Junior high parents and students, be sure to check out our junior high page to stay informed about upcoming events and important dates for the 24-25 school year! We look forward to seeing you soon!
Congratulations to CRHS Alumni Sarah Bacon (CR'15) and her 3-meter Synchronized Diving teammate Kassidy Cook for winning the Silver Medal at the Paris Olympic today. Sarah will compete later this week in the Women's 3-meter Springboard competition.
Reminder CRHS Freshman Orientation is next Friday, August 2nd.
2024 West Deanery Unified Catholic Schools' CYO Football Player and Parent Meeting.
If you have questions contact Coach Johnson at
2024 Cardinal Ritter/St. Michael's CYO Cadet Football Player & Parent Meet. Correction the meeting will be July 25th not August 25th. If you have any questions contact Coach Johnson at
Big Thanks to all our volunteers who worked the uniform sale. Don't forget Freshman Orientation August 2 from 8:30-2:00.
We Want To Remind You That The CRHS New & Used Uniform Sale Is This Friday & Saturday. Friday, July 12th from 3-6 pm & Saturday, July 13th from 10am to 12pm in the Gym.
This is a great opportunity to pick up a few uniform items, gym uniforms & Raider spirit wear for next year.